January 31, 2005
Quite possibly the best thing ever: Girls Aloud worked up a lickable sweat on stage at Nintendo's Paris bash. We were at the front.
We're offering a video of the Nintendo president's entire speech at the European DS Launch event, in which global and Euro-specific Nintendo issues are discussed.
Two different and brand new videos of Mario Kart DS from Paris, along with a host of other footage including Castlevania DS.
Konami gives the series another try at 3D success.
Oft-delayed racer to hit soon - with extra cars.
Another milestone reached for Microsoft.
January 28, 2005
Report from Nintendo's European launch event in Paris - price, date details and lots more besides.
January 27, 2005
And on the eve of official Euro release details too.
Euro version to include exclusive extras.
Race cars, trucks and everything inbetween.
Make it do something constructive for a change.
January 26, 2005
Portable gives DS and PSP something to aim for.
Nintendo continues its campaign of maximum exposure.
Can anything stop EA's juggernaut?
New longer tracks coming too.
January 25, 2005
As the spring launch of Rockstar's anticipated street racing title approaches, we get a fresh hands-on with a recent build, in this latest preview.
The sequel to one of the greatest RPGs on Xbox has hit the shelves. How does it stack up to the original? Use the force, or just read our review.
Another nail in the coffin of the arcade industry.
A few thousand Japanese gamers are a tad upset.
Tactical RPG coming next month to PlayStation 2.
EA's racer makes it nine in a row.
January 24, 2005
Hideo Kojima's latest masterpiece is nothing short of an audio visual stunner - but with a new setting and new features, does it come together? Full review with media.
A brief stop on the Web before release.
Although these are only "inspired" by the originals.
Who needs official announcements anymore?
Another Italian car maker gets its own title.
January 21, 2005
UMD opened up, telephony possible for PSP.
Set between the good trilogy and the bad one.
Microsoft's online strategy pays off in a big way.
Fights and frights coming to Europe in February.
January 20, 2005
We talk exclusively to the boss of budget gaming leader Mastertronic, who also happens to be on the board at ELSPA. Sizable agenda includes 1990s Sega, Sold Out, console budget space, cash for reviews, piracy, illegal downloads, clueless executives - and Manhunt.
Kuju tapped to make zombie-rrific tie-in.
The best of the best gather to play games and win obscene amounts of cash.
All that stands between the world and nightmarish nuclear annihilation is you.
January 19, 2005
Videogames best all that Hollywood has to offer.
2D Web game makes unlikely transition to Xbox, GC.
Puzzle game lets you live out your fantasies.
Arcade classics cunningly hidden within.
January 18, 2005
Microsoft's answer to Gran Turismo sees its garage fill out.
Voice-activated game goes through pre-launch motions.
EA stretches UK chart dominance to nearly two months.
The Dual Shock 2 is comfy, rugged and a patent violation.
January 17, 2005
With the latest, frankly staggering installment of the Resident Evil series now on US shelves, we take the game for a spin with new media before our imminent review.
Still haven't picked up Metroid Prime 2? Shame on you! Here's one more look at the game that explains why Echoes is an absolute must-have.
Play 20-year-old games on your brand new PSP.
Browser-based MMORPG brings magic to masses.
Scratches an itch you didn't know you had.
And you can do the same in turn to all your friends.
January 14, 2005
The venerated C64 joins the ballooning list of all-in-one systems to hit the market.
The company's president reiterates how complexity is keeping games away from the common man.
Massively multiplayer online RPG gets more massive.
UK retailer picks a date and price, Internet reports it as fact, retailer decides to wait like the rest of us.
January 13, 2005
Myst V: End Of Ages concludes the series.
Codemasters takes the series to its roots.
Guide Romanov through museums - and stuff.
New third-person action RPG on its way.
January 12, 2005
Sony's handheld marches on with FIFA.
Super-hot titles including Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe 2, Devil May Cry 3 and Shadow of Rome get Euro dates.
Underway in Canada for a srping launch.
An update before our imminent full review.
January 11, 2005
DS headed down under on Feb 24 for £80.
Loads shifted and 1/3 playing online.
And you can bet on an even better 2005.
Those lovable monkeys come to EyeToy.
January 10, 2005
That's right - Rockstar's biggest properties are cruising their way to PSP.
It's the first remotely exciting thing on Atari's release schedule in absolutely ages!
Nice video of the PSP version of THUG2.
It's Metal Slug 3 - the, er, fourth in the series. Yet it's only the second non Neo-Geo home console version to reach UK shores. Was it worth the wait?
Grave is back with a cooler coffin and ready to raise hell once again. Direct videos included.
January 7, 2005
CES itself might not have been overflowing with Xbox 2 details but that did not stop Bill Gates discussing the machine elsewhere. New details, plus something else we noticed. Again.
It's not the inevitable news of Mario 128 moving to the next Nintendo machine, but a new tie-up that sees Mario in Konami's DDR.
Following the disappointing lack of a date and price announcement, Sony at least showed off a strong selection of new titles.
January 6, 2005
Kaz Hirai's CES stage presentation for PSP demonstrated the machine's features with the assistance of rapper Xibit, but kept quiet on specifics on western release date and price.
Details, screens and direct feed video of Nintendo characters in the upcoming NBA Street title.
In just the first two days of Japanese release, the biggest driving game ever does well.
Plans for titles coming this year.
January 5, 2005
It's the sequel to GBA's Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow - first details and screen of Castlevania for DS inside.
With some kind of official announcement expected in a matter of hours, Ken speaks.
Assume the role of a European nation with expansion on its mind. First details and screens.
Another look at this stylised 2D fighting game set for release on the PSP later this year.
The finest PSP launch title or another insult to the treasured Namco series? Here's our verdict on Ridge Racers, complete with loads of high quality video.
War games keep crawling out of the wood work but does this one make it out of boot camp? Our full review awaits.
Microsoft offers up the sequel to its first attempt at a cute cuddly mascot for the Xbox, but does Blinx 2 fare a bit better than its predecessor?
Do you crave the wackiness and unpredictability of Japanese puzzle games? Are you willing to take a chance on a title that is difficult to pronounce?
January 4, 2005
One of industry's most famous figures receives prestigious honour as a busy 2005 begins.
Untold Legends: Brotherhood Of The Blade is a fantasy-themed RPG set to launch in the US.
Last year ended in much the same way as it 2004, with EA at the top of the charts.