February 28, 2006
The answer to the biggest question in the industry will have to wait until Sony and others can iron out last technical details.
The company has teased and taunted us for a long time now, but look for solid details at the big event this spring.
Not only is Sony winning the hardware race, it's winning the battle for people's minds too.
Mr Boxer takes a look at LucasArts' newest Star Wars title for PC and says "if it's any good or not".
Winners choose any game they want at Kikizo.
Premiere trailer of the latest EA tie-in.
More about punches, cutomisation in new videos.
Lighting up city streets in Sega's road race blaster. Some lovely final direct feed gameplay videos included.
It appears that Microsoft will announce a new handheld this week. The real question is how much of a part gaming will play in it.
EA's blow-stuff-up game runs wild on the charts, though there's still something to keep the Ico team happy. No Rolling Stones puns inside.
And there's near-confirmation that you'll be living in two of DC's most famous cities too.
They've got the power, and now they've stumbled into free online play too.
February 27, 2006
More production problems for Nintendo as gremlins hold back the release of two-thirds of the DS Lite shipment. Full details inside.
According to one reseacher, things aren't quite as rosy as recent year-end sales figures might have you believe.
Tired of being the victim, Peach is rolling up her sleeves to kick some Bowser ass. And it's about time. New screens.
Fresh Xbox 360 screens show off the raucous battlefield action in glorious HD.
It may not be focused, but this is still one of the better racers around.
February 24, 2006
A lengthy hi-res trailer from Capcom.
One of 360's hottest upcoming games in motion.
Sega's highly acclaimed yakuza game from Toshihiro Nagoshi is coming to the West later this year. Hooray.
Selection of videos including new gameplay.
A few more videos as US gets Riders.
Plenty to look forward to in Rockstar's latest.
Another chance to get into the PGR 100 club, though this one will rely on skill as well as luck. Details inside.
If hot robot-on-robot action is what you're after, From Software, as always, has got you well and truly covered.
More oldies than you can shake a knobbly stick at. Now get off my lawn.
February 23, 2006
Real live people sign up to pretend to be Ms Croft in her upcoming game and in public. And, yes, we have pictures.
The block-buster will turn up in classic form, yes, but there's much more to the game than that. New screens.
The glabrous actor is launching another crossover IP in The Wheelman with some of the people behind XXX. Yay?
February 22, 2006
We've got confirmed US and still-to-be confirmed European dates for the plumber's platforming return.
Reports suggest Sony is getting ready to announce oodles of storage in a new version of the portable.
It's been a long time coming, but it appears that there's hope still for Gran Turismo fans wanting to battle online.
The first has yet to hit and already the company is talking about the next of Half-Life 2's episodic updates.
February 21, 2006
For a game that's yet to be officially announced, Halo 3 is drawing a lot of attention. And it's only going to increase with the release confirmed for this year.
WebZen is aiming to squash first-person shooting into a MMORPG experience. Oh, and it's built with the Unreal 3 engine. HD videos you have to see inside.
The DS Lite hasn't even hit yet and already Nintendo is talking about a third variant.
The latest incarnation of Koei's warrific series is coming to Xbox 360 and we have the HD screens to prove it.
Justice at last for Ueda and Kaido as Ico's spiritual successor flies to the top of the charts. There was a healthy showing for the re-released original too.
February 20, 2006
High resolution screens of new character Eileen, plus all the others in 720-resolution shots for the first time. Plus - the sexy deluxe versus cabinet revealed.
First screenshots of the HOTD4 update from AOU.
Bad news all around as Link's new adventure gets another delay. Will Nintendo be able to do anything to stop the Revolution rumours now?
Wil it or won't it? Sony's back with confirmation that the PlayStation 3 is indeed coming soon. Could the delay of the announcement have something to do with the system's next-gen Blu-ray drive?
Expect more games made to attract you. New screens for Lost Planet, Okami and Dead Rising inside.
Celebrate the impending release of Ubisoft's next-gen shooter by blowing away a part of your friends.
First beautiful hi-res in-game shots from the demonstration level that Sega has been showing off.
EA's champ makes its next gen appearance. We take a new build for a quick bout, before the bruises and cuts settle for a final review. A bunch of HD media included.
Futuristic biker gangs, orange demons and evil talking skulls - what now from Tim Schafer? How about a summer camp full of hormonal psychic youngsters? Obviously!
February 17, 2006
Would-be owners languish in restless ignorance as Sony rebuffs its latest opportunity to dish the dirt on the eagerly awaited next-gen console's arrival.
Apparently the glut of movies on the shelves isn't indicative of a major multimedia coup by the PSP.
Namco's new arcade brawler is bound for your pocket. Dozens of new screens.
February 16, 2006
Nongame it may be, but it's one with broader appeal outside of Japan than many would have thought.
The Dead or Alive developer has something in the works for Nintendo's new system. Don't expect too much jiggling though.
February 15, 2006
Fresh evidence that Sony is prepping to jettison its unwieldy online strategy for something more Microsoftian.
DS conference yields new tchotchkes that expand the little-handheld-that-could even further. Games announced and release dates confirmed too. Full details.
Microsoft doesn't want to name names, but someone seems to have figured it out.
Fans of the good doctor will jump at Valve's episodic continuation of tha award-winning shooter. First screens.
We spend time with one of gaming's most legendary creators to learn the latest on Psy-Phi and a great untold story about Suzuki learning Hakkyokuken from a grand master. Oh, and some Shenmue stuff too.
February 14, 2006
Expanding the market is going to rely on bringing in newcomers and lapsed gamers, says Reggie - again.
Adorable orange jelly will soon take over your PSP, whether you like it or not. But really, you should. Check out these first screens.
Kojima's other series is about to jump a platform too, though this time it's dropped its core feature.
EA's racer breaks into double figures, leaving newcomers and other incumbents to scurry for scraps.
February 13, 2006
Despite all the hard work that's gone into the console, Microsoft says the PC is still its No. 1 platform.
If you, like most people in Japan, are frothing at the idea of the revamped DS, you'll want to check out this new info.
It only took a few months, but it seems that within a month (give or take a few weeks) you'll be able to stroll into a store and pick up an Xbox 360. We recommend you pay for it too.
Lego is big. Star Wars is big. Tell us you didn't see this coming.
February 10, 2006
Kikizo presents a detailed, early account of its first-hand experience with a little known console called PS3. Is it looking like a new generational leap, or emotion engine tears? We have some answers.
Master Chief's second campaign is finally coming to PC, but only if you're willing to jump through Microsoft's not-insubstantial hoops.
You'll soon be able to chat with gamers around the world using your DS, but don't think you can start the trash talking just yet.
David Jaffe's mythological hero slays the competition at the AIAS award at the DICE Summit.
Sony is eager to push the PS3 as more than just a games console, but some think this isn't necessarily the right way to go.
February 9, 2006
While Sony and Microsoft spend their time going after each other, Nintendo sees itself as the only pioneer in the industry.
The movie of the book will soon become the videogame of the movie of the book. And it'll still cause controversy. First screens.
Square Enix and Disney trawl Hollywood for voice talent and come up with more than a handful of household names for their trouble.
Coffers swell as the zombie-tastic Resident Evil series goes from strength to strength.
February 8, 2006
Nintendo president set to offer a glimpse of Nintendo's future at this year's Game Developers Conference.
If hot mech-on-mech action is what you're after, hot mech-on-mech action is what you're going to get, whether you're home or away. New screens for both.
Eighties cartoon favourites return as Turtle Power finds itself on the up again. New screens.
We've played a new build of VF5, and bring you the very first lowdown on new gameplay changes and playing as the new female fighter, Eileen. Also: PS3 NOT confirmed.
February 7, 2006
Kikizo goes hands-on with Human Head's evolutionary FPS, Prey. Here's our massive hands-on report, plus gorgeous new hi-res gameplay videos and screens.
We bite the bullet and jump into the darker side of Criterion's studio, to find an FPS that could turn out just as great as Burnout.
First footage from Sega's lovable racing follow up - not long to wait now!
Tony Hawk and Call of Duty publisher confirms it now has games coming for all three next-gen consoles.
Don't fret; it's not the inevitable leaked version. Rather Sega has fashioned a website for the game on the Internet. New screens.
The game of the movie that is actually a game related to the movie, seeing as how it's set before the movie. You follow? First screens.
The Xbox 360's taste of fame proves relatively shortlived as EA's racer gets on top - again.
Many think big-headed footie has been missing for far too long. Codies have heard your call. New screens.
February 6, 2006
Be the envy of your friends by scoring one of only 100 PGR-themed Xbox 360s.
Climax proves again that it's capable of making very, very pretty games. Eye-scorching screens inside.
The unfathomable popular series has spawned another game that's sure to be lapped up by fans. And we've got the exclusive European launch details.
Now there's no reason why you can't spend another 50 hours in the oh-so-hip world of Midnight Club 3.
The man behind The Abyss, Aliens and other lovely flicks is now considering expanded his latest in the massively multiplayer online arena.
February 3, 2006
Sony artist learns the hard way that sometimes it's better to keep your opinion to yourself.
That other super-spy is back to see if he can regain his crown. First PSP screens.
Can't bear to submit yourself to '80s or pop tunes? No matter. Sony has a karaoke game for you too.
Touch-screen fun as Taito's real-time strategy-cum-action RPG finds a home in Europe. First screens.
February 2, 2006
New poll suggests Sony may have more of a fight on its hands than many may be thinking.
The Tomb Raider series is about to return thanks to new minders, but will anybody care?
Capcom and Ubisoft get together to see if they can wring another pants wetting out of you.
Atari US says Reflections' latest Driver game is coming to the portable, but there seems to be some confusion.
February 1, 2006
As far as Microsoft is concerned, there's only one rival in the next-generation hardware war.
The company looks like it could be verging on swapping its hands-off approach for another, more hands-on one more similar to that of Microsoft's Xbox Live.
All good things come to those who wait, or something. What's really important is that sensitive Euro gamers will be getting extra stuff when the game comes out.
Microsoft's RTS series hits the big time and you're the one who is going to score.