June 30, 2006
Still no word on which hardware models Britons will be able to or how much they'll pay for them.
Activision's World War II shooter is now just that little bit bigger. Of course, you're going to have to pay for the privilege.
Experience the thrills of getting sweaty with Maria Sharapova... and some other guys.
Namco's driver was one of the best early games on the portable, so this isn't too much of a surprise.
June 29, 2006
Still no pricing details for the UK, but Sony has thrown together a home for the PS3.
Square Enix's long-awaited (and long delayed) RPG is finally coming to the West.
If you have an unending interest in the Total War series, this is the box for you.
Just the thing if you've got a couple hundred hours to spare. First screens.
June 28, 2006
From the people that brought you GDC and The Hollywood Reporter, the Hollywood and Games Summit in Beverly Hills looked at the riddles of the game-movie relationship and provided some interesting insights. Our man in the hills reports.
Kaz Hirai says he'd like to see Microsoft try something of its own design at some point.
Another long-in-development game is finally ready to go.
And with the rising popularity of the handheld with girls and women, that's a good thing.
New study says some casual gamers are much more hardcore than we give them credit for.
June 27, 2006
Nintendo's new portable fends off the World Cup and other distractions as it inches into the marketplace.
Namco's fun shooting game is fired on to Nintendo's new portable with touch-screen goodness.
Fresh visuals from Sega's now PS3-only (well, in the West, at least) fighter.
It may not be the most adventurous port, but it's still another Grand Theft Auto game, and for a lot of people that seems to be good enough.
June 26, 2006
Howard Stringer says you gotta take a chance if you want to make it in this cruel world.
Nintendo's still not giving us any specifics on WiiConnect24, but we're starting to get a better idea of what to expect.
High technology means there's no more hiding for folks who wuss out before they see the credits.
New maps, 'new' maps, new guns, and other stuff too. But it comes at a price.
Edge of Reality shuns licenses to bring its first original game to next-gen consoles. First art.
Over ten minutes of video goodness with the team at Incognito, in which one level designer reveals how Cell comes in useful for more than just playing PS3 games - it helps you design PS3 games as well.
Go behind the scenes with the Forza 2 team and take a more detailed look at the announcement trailer in this video feature.
A nice new trailer for Insomniac's PS3 FPS.
First footage of the next in EA's series.
First trailer of the Xbox 360 racer.
Sexy new trailer for Sega's PS3/360 title.
See what all the fuss is about in this impressive trailer for Namco Bandai's upcoming PC game.
From Software and Sega's mech game is out soon.
THQ's real-time strategy in new-trailer action.
June 23, 2006
The company's new DS Lite comes to Europe at last.
EA's racer skips the city and heads out into the sticks.
IGA says he's thinking about letting you whip with a friend over WiFi Connect.
The plumber's stock is on the rise around the world.
Superficial enhancement of interest expertly done as the wait for the full, extended trailer in no-nonsense direct feed 720p is finally over. Get it inside!
June 22, 2006
Remember those 10 million Xbox 360s Microsoft say it will have sold by November? Sony says that's no problem.
Because very few people bought a PlayStation 2 to play Grand Theft Auto, apparently.
Hack says publishers really need to stop making crap and try to innovate for the next generation.
Five youngsters put their Covenant-whacking skills to some serious work.
Exclusive, detailed new interview with the Sega boss on the making of Yakuza, the latest with the Monkey Ball franchise, and various other Sega goings on. Special video feature of the interview highlights included.
June 21, 2006
Forget about that Xbox 360 game. This is where next-gen begins for the Tony Hawk series. HD screens.
And if there's one thing we want more of, it's money. And God of War, of course.
A seasonal event and new content from the latest patch. Could this be WoW heaven?
Microsoft is reported to be thinking about bringing Xbox Live Arcade games to retail.
June 20, 2006
Will Sony pay up and put in rumble? Who knows, but it sure sounds like Immersion wouldn't mind making up.
Sadly, this won't stop Ken Kutaragi from insisting that the PlayStation 3 is.
Namco's bladey fighter could be getting a sequel soon. Shocking.
Neversoft brings its cowboy game to the PSP and adds some new stuff in the process. New screens.
And Brain Training manages to climb up the charts in its second week of release.
June 19, 2006
Ms Croft's original adventure is getting another go around. What we want to know is if we can expect that chest to return as well.
Sega shows its confidence in its Far East Mob game by skimming Hollywood for big-name voices.
Crooks run off with a few thousand of the sought-after handheld, but you've got nothing to worry about.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi's puzzler is coming to the Xbox Live Arcade, but there could be some monetary obstacles to your enjoyment.
We think that not having to pay more every month could have something to do with it.
June 16, 2006
Which wouldn't be a bad thing since we don't think Table Tennis looked too shabby. Speculation inside.
And if the company isn't giving out a no-comment, you know it must be annoyed.
RedOctane says the chances are better than good that it will swap the guitar for something else. And there's next-gen talk too.
New stuff to do once you've taken care of the other 100 hours of content. New screens.
Things feel mighty familiar in Liberty City.
Added to our recent developer feature.
June 15, 2006
Nintendo's redesigned portable is a hit in the US and it could be just the beginning.
Make your voice heard by voting for your favourites. And please, please don't vote for 50 Cent: Bulletproof.
A few hundred thousands people are going to be disappointed by this news.
But Microsoft seems intent on keeping Mr Schafer in a state of perpetual rage.
June 14, 2006
Sony is going to have a hill to climb when it launches the PlayStation 3 in November.
Could a massively multiplayer StarCraft game be far off? Some would say yes.
The hangman is drawer nearer for the Xbox. Lego Star Wars and 20 other Xbox games are now playable on your Xbox 360.
June 13, 2006
Moore says his previous comments to us were misinterpreted. Full response inside.
OK, so it's not Halo 3, but at least it's more Master Chief.
The next best thing to playing next-gen GTA is a next-gen GTA clone, right? Find out later this year.
Though if you ask us they're giving the incentive to the wrong people.
And there's a good opening week for Nintendo's new Brain Training game too.
June 12, 2006
We sit down for a rare chat with AM2 president and Sega arcade boss, Hiroshi Kataoka, and his staff working on the monumentally awesome VF5 for arcades and PS3.
We don't know much, but we know that it will be made by some of the same people.
Some time in the future you might not even need a hard drive for all that delicious downloadable content.
And some guy from Brazil gets a lot of money to have his face appear on the cover.
Possible incentive for 3D Realms to finish the game turns up in a publisher filing, but don't hold your breath.
June 9, 2006
The game has hit the top of both the US and Japanese charts. Is a triple on the cards?
Double teaming means two different games for you to enjoy on the PS3.
We may have snickered, but Nintendo's top man says he had no doubts about the renaming.
New content for PGR3, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero and new arcade games means we won't have to suffer Sol's merciless attack.
June 8, 2006
That's funny, because all this time we thought it was just a super-expensive games console.
Four new maps means that there's a bit of life left yet in Rare's red-haired vixen.
One of the Xbox 360's biggest game developed in the East is coming West later this year.
Sir Howard Stringer just can't get the Xbox 360 out of his head, or so it seems.
Ready your brains, sports fans. Sega is bringing its spreadsheettastic football management game back later this year. First screenshot.
June 7, 2006
And you can get it inside in glorious HD right now.
We don't know when the Wii's coming out, but at least we know when we will know. Sort of.
Bungie's shooter is the perennial Xbox Live top game and its popularity doesn't seem to be waning one bit.
Proudly waving the non-game flag, Ryuta Kawashima lets you train your brain on Nintendo DS - will your brain do backflips or waste away?
Possibly the best interviewee in the games industry talks to Kikizo once more to get all loose-lipped about Fable 2 and being part of Microsoft's gaming empire. Plus: Is Project 'Dimitri' actually... Fable 2?!
June 6, 2006
Some people may be telling you that the PlayStation 3 will have a PlayStation 2 on the inside. Sony says, Uh uh.
Now you've got no excuse for not at least giving Sony's new jellytastic game a try.
If you're like us, you need every scrap of Halo 3 info out there, making this behind-the-scenes featurette one to look for.
Over a hundred new features crammed into an update that doesn't even tax your hard drive.
A second week on top of the UK sales chart for Agent 47's new adventure.
June 5, 2006
Relatively underpowered it may be, but that doesn't mean Wii games won't look pretty.
Peter Moore told Kikizo it's not so important anymore. Apparently he didn't get the memo.
So it's Hooray for Blu-ray, Hooray for Cell.
Armoured Fury, that is, which bring the fight against the Enemy that much closer. First panoramas.
Top bod at Nintendo's Japanese headquarters discusses the strategy of keeping secrets and says Nintendo will make whatever controllers for Wii that gamers demand. Plus: Animal Crossing Wii and Mario 128.
A handful of extra grabs added to our preview.
June 4, 2006
NCL veteran Katsyua Eguchi talks to Kikizo about all things Wii, including Animal Crossing Wii, WiiConnect 24, the remote speaker, Mario and protecting top secrets.
June 2, 2006
Nintendo doesn't want to say when it's coming, but there seem to be loose lips within the company.
So that would mean the only people who care about the PS3 beating the Xbox 360 are PS3 owners.
Not the full ones, of course, but rather games you'll be able to download to the Virtual Console.
Unsurprisingly, Microsoft doesn't seem sold on Sony's approach to taking the PlayStation 3 online.
If your console is going to be online 24/7, it might as well be doing something useful.
June 1, 2006
People may have made fun of its name, but the Wii went down well with the judges of the Game Critics Awards.
No matter what the temporal juxtaposition suggests.
The sooner Microsoft comes clean and definitively says yes or no, the better.
Sega's next-gen facelift scrutinised in our latest hands-on impressions of Sonic for PS3 and 360.
Look up in the sky! It's Superman, GTA style.
Okamoto's second swipe at the samurai crown.
Another great reason to get your hands on Wii.
Sonic goes Wii and so do we after hands-on with Sonic Wild Fire. Exclusive screens and videos.
The WarioWare team has been busy crafting another zany experience this time on Wii.
Namco's arcade brawler hits the portable screen in impressive fashion, with Dark Resurrection.
Three new Sonic titles, and here's "the other one", the portable iteration of Sonic's trifecta.
A port of the legendary PS2 game attives on PSP. We say if it's good or not.