February 28, 2007
Europeans are waiting to buy PS3s while Americans have no trouble finding them. And that's a good thing, according to Sony.
Will this one be as frustratingly hard as the last one?
Another lap for THQ's attractive bike game.
The Behemoth adds online multiplayer to its cartoony actioner.
February 27, 2007
The PS3 shooter will be getting downloadable content this spring and if that works perhaps more.
Europeans can look forward to paying more than everyone else for a long time to come.
Fans lined up to meet the makers and helped the game along to a chart victory in the process.
Rare's Nintendo 64 racer gets online play en route to the portable.
Redefining arcade racer expectations?
The latest Sims is excellent for beginners.
Operation Flashpoint enters next-gen? Hmmm.
Are these kids worthy of the Mana name?
We step outside with the portable Pirates.
February 26, 2007
Europeans will pay more for the hardware but the games will be cheaper - at least for Sony's own stuff.
One level and 10 cars are yours for the downloading.
And the company explains why it had to change, too.
Kikizo talks to Pete Hines from Bethesda Softworks to bring you this detailed interview on all things Elder Scrolls as the release of Shivering Isles beckons.
February 23, 2007
Another pleasant surprise for Europeans. Yay.
Another re-release for what many call one of the best games ever made.
Just a flesh wound for the aging console.
February 22, 2007
Kikizo talks to BioShock boys Joe McDonagh and Joe Faulstick to discuss the stunning title that could change the way we think about first person shooters.
Ubisoft's next-gen blast-'em-up is coming to Xbox 360 and other platforms too.
Done with the singleplayer demo? Ubisoft has some multiplayer stuff coming - and a chance to play against Red Storm.
SingStar for PS3 is where the tech is going, but this PS2 instalment is what's going to butter the bread.
February 21, 2007
Even though PS3s are starting to pile up, the Wii was still the runaway winner in January. But that's not dissuading gonna-be owners in the UK.
This weekend you'll have a chance to tell Cliff Bleszinski exactly what you think of his game.
Is this another DS game that will get lost in a morass of underexposure?
iNiS's should-be-more-popular rhythm series is getting a Japanese sequel.
February 20, 2007
EA tells Kikizo more about its eagerly awaited new Command & Conquer game and how it is going to change strategy games.
Shane Kim comments on the fate of its second system.
Slow first week for Nintendo's Excitebike pseudo-successor helps give top spot to EA.
As Sonic and the Secret Rings ships in North America today, we bring you this chat with Sonic Team producer Yojiro Ogawa to discuss what fans can look forward to.
February 19, 2007
Despite what you may have heard, the taster of Master Chief's new adventure is not out this week.
A trio of new map downloads coming to Xbox Live Marketplace starting next month.
It's insane - but is it also dumb?
Agents are go! Could it be DS's hottest?
It's a slight Zuma rip-off - but a good one.
One of PS2's must-have titles.
Has Backbone got it right for Sega this time?
The real price of fiscally rushed games.
The ultimate edition or plain old balls?
Did they come up with a decent way to play Wii?
February 16, 2007
Sony will be hanging on to any savings for itself.
Namco Bandai brings out its big hitter, and it's running on Sony-esque hardware.
European details and a few snippets on force feedback too.
Now there are more than fifty classics to choose from.
February 15, 2007
Amazon, Play and more start taking your money, but things aren't wholly smooth at Sony.
And according to Mark Rein there will be a surprise for downloaders too.
This time you're joining Darth Vader on the Dark Side.
February 14, 2007
We're giving away five copies of the ultimate PC gaming platform - Windows Vista Ultimate.
Id's shooter is PC-exclusive no longer.
And, also consistent with public opinion, Sega developer says rumble will be missed.
Treasure's hard-as-nails shooter could be gracing Microsoft's online service soon.
February 13, 2007
New and rejigged maps and a couple of new modes coming to the Xbox 360 shooter soon.
Company says it is in it for the long haul with cult-hit Xbox 360 game. And that might even include a trip to the DS.
It may be one of the best games on the system, but that doesn't seem to be enough for Okami - not yet at least.
February 12, 2007
Just the thing to make up for the delay and the decidedly unfriendly price point.
Your Wii code will be useful for more than just sharing Miis... at some point.
Link's new adventure is a big success in the US.
Could Master Chief's trilogy-ender be a tear-jerker?
February 9, 2007
Reggie Fils-Aime has his sights set on Microsoft
Plus there's good news for the Euro launch too.
And Nintendo didn't do too badly either. Full results inside.
Super Mario World and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link go up at the Wii Shop.
February 8, 2007
After insisting it wouldn't, Rockstar is porting its latest PSP Grand Theft offering.
The Xbox 360 is far from the only other system Activision has its eye on.
It seems that Microsoft is prepping to spoil Sony's PS3 party.
So don't worry if you can't upgrade just yet.
February 7, 2007
We're giving away five copies of the eagerly awaited PAL release of Okami, each with a stylish Okami T-shirt.
Valve's Black and Orange boxes are further off from release than many thought.
Sorry PS3 owners, Sega has no online love for you.
The Wii-PS3 battle is starting to look a lot like the DS-PSP blowout - at least for now.
Rockstar surprises by announcing a sequel for its bloody action game for the Wii and Sony systems.
February 6, 2007
We chat with Reflections Interactive about the challenges of bringing Ubisoft's first Driver game to the portable.
Square Enix and Disney find massive success together.
Continued success for the snows-'n'-bugs shooter from Capcom.
February 5, 2007
Snow and bugs are a big part of Capcom's shooter but money may be the most important ingredient of all.
Not only is the PSP getting Symphony of the Night but there's a remade version of Dracula X: Rondo of Blood too. First screens.
Dan Akroyd's not doing much acting these days, but he will be picking up the nuclear power pack for the rumoured videogame adaptation.
Who said Japanese gamers don't like Western games?
February 2, 2007
They may now have put their fears of any further PS3 delay to rest, but some UK gamers still have a few special requests for Sony.
Sega is gearing up for its first major release of the year, in the shape of VF5.
Nintendo celebrating Japanese Pokémon success.
Ray Maguire to battle SCEE for best volume.
Another old 360 game makes its way over.
It's a maxim that hardware prices inevitably drop, but for PS3 it seems like a more important move by the day.