October 31, 2005
Sega's top development executive talks about PS3, Xbox 360, Revolution, arcades, Ryu ga Gotoku, Monkey Ball DS and loads more.
The PlayStation 3 will humble your TV and send it scampering off in fear. So says Kutaragi.
Microsoft finally lets the people who matter, the public, get their unwashed hands on the Xbox 360.
After months of bumps, Blizzard's cash cow spawns a true expansion. First details.
The best-selling author's best-selling book is now going to be a game - perhaps also best-selling.
October 28, 2005
Stunning visuals and violent gameplay in Monolith's First Encounter Assault and Recon.
Sonic returns for his latest retro compilation, with some of his most rare adventures ever. But is it enough for our oversized Sonic appetites? Final gameplay videos included.
Microsoft looks to be learning the hard way why global launches aren't more popular.
Despite the game launching this week in the US, Grand Theft Auto's PSP debut has been delayed. Rockstar isn't saying why, but they did tell us when it will be here.
Fans of the original PlayStation version might want to give this one a closer look. New details.
October 27, 2005
Rockstar enters the game license fra-ay, as The Warriors come out to pla-ay. Our full verdict along with the final (and best) trailer, and some final gameplay clips.
But at least the uncertainty surrounding it is less concerning than that for Microsoft's box.
No, it's not Master Chief and it's not that other lass either. Intrigued?
Series laughs in the face of those who scoffed at the idea of a game based on spreadsheets.
And just in time for the release of the DVD too. What a coincidence.
October 26, 2005
Get the latest Sega happenings and PSU details direct from Sonic Team, as we offer this detailed interview with Takao Miyoshi.
Company extends mantra of trying to please all the people all the time by giving them all the Revolution at the same time.
The development team responsible for one of the most artistically impressive games in 2001 brings us Shadow of the Colossus, a potentially landmark achievement for the current generation of software. How did it turn out?
Development was going so smoothly on Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero that Rare thought it would add another couple logs onto the fire.
New screens for the sequel to one of the best portable games around. Check 'em out. You know you want to.
Real people losing their lives living out the lives of virtual people.
October 25, 2005
Konami's footie game comes out on top in a week filled with new releases.
Sony's hotly anticipated racers won't be filling any Christmas stocking anytime soon.
New home for the lass that Microsoft is hoping will move the 360. Well, either her or that car game.
If more warmongering is what you want, more is what you're going to get.
October 24, 2005
Our chat with one of Tecmo's most striking game creators about his latest projects, Trapt and Fatal Frame III.
We've followed up with Chris Taylor, creator of Dungeon Siege, with answers to your burning questions about Dungeon Siege II and beyond.
Nintendo's big gamble is hitting home with game creators, but it's gamers who will decide the console's fate.
It's already out in the States and THQ will be handling the game's arrival here later this year.
Celebrate encrouching senior citizen status with a plunge in the rose-coloured pool of nostalgia.
October 21, 2005
Company rattles off big shipment numbers, but that doesn't seem to be the whole story.
The next time you see Christopher Lee in a game, he could be wearing fangs.
Combine singing and dancing for the ultimate in Christmas party shame. Booze not included.
Id's other franchise shakes (groan) things up at retail.
October 20, 2005
Comes with bigger memory card, perfect for storing all your porn movies in one place.
Get an early start on Sega's next-gen debut game by visiting the new interactive web site.
It's not the newest iteration of the series, but it will be given a nice bump.
Yes, that's another game coming for the pizza-faced character. Birthdays are good that way.
October 19, 2005
Seven new direct feed gameplay videos, including PGR3, Moto GP 2006, PDZ, Kameo and Gears of War.
Fumito Ueda pulls off the tethers of the PlayStation 2 and heads off to the next generation.
The humble series prepares to enter its second decade of existence in style.
The still-spry 25-year-old suits up for another go round the block.
October 18, 2005
Company makes good on its promises of making it easy and free to go online.
Now there's no excuse for you not having played Rockstar's multimillion seller.
Namco's gang-themed brawler picks up a street date
Peter Parker's Spidey Sense proves futile in the face of Wayne Rooney's complete lack thereof.
No word yet on whether the Undertaker will bury you in the car park afterwards.
October 17, 2005
J Allard plays semantics for the sequel everyone knows is coming - or isn't it?
Sony's dreams of walking all over Nintendo look to be staying just that for a while still - at least in Japan.
Because what you really want for your £280 is the ability to play 20-year-old games, right?
October 14, 2005
Join us as we sit down with the legendary videogame music producer for perhaps his most comprehensive interview to date.
Catch some air and pull off radical tricks in the latest SSX snowboarding title from EA Sports. Full verdict.
Microsoft wants it gone, but not everyone is eager to see the Xbox go.
It's starting to look a little grim if you're determined to have an Xbox 360 by the end of the year.
And there's good news for Nintendo too - nothing worth Sony getting upset about, though.
He helped kickstart the WWII shooter craze, and now Steven Spielberg is getting back into games.
October 13, 2005
We sit down for a comprehensive new interview with one of gaming's most acclaimed developers. Discover more about Mizuguchi's career, Lumines 2, working with Sega again in future, and much more.
He's better known for this extreme attention to detail, but now the Gran Turismo creator is thinking about the PlayStation 3 and beyond.
With Zelda gone, Nintendo is focussing on its biggest game for the rest of the year. Bundleiscious images inside.
No, it's not Indiana Jones, though it's not all that far from it. First screens.
And yes, that means more opportunity to fling defenseless crash test dummies through the air to their doom.
Masses and masses of PS3 video coverage including some new stuff we're including together like Genji, Lair from Factor 5, Project Assassins, Formula One, The Getaway 3 and Koei's secret PS3 project.
Masses and masses of Xbox 360 video goodness including latest stuff from X05, plus archived coverage, all in one page. New stuff includes Splinter Cell 4, Mass Effect, Crackdown, Too Human, Gears of War and MUCH more.
Seriously nice gameplay videos of PGR3 reveal just how stunning the Xbox 360 launch title. Prepare to be blown away!
In-game videos and the newest trailer for Rare's feverishly anticipated FPS prequel on Xbox 360.
October 12, 2005
Can anything hold down the Game Boy Advance? No, it doesn't seem like it?
Miyamoto's pet project looks to repeat its performance in the US and Japan in Europe. And it seems that it's drawing new people, too.
More rumours that Sony's portable is taking its storage options to the next level.
Because heaven knows you don't want to spend it with the in-laws.
Blizzard's massive online game keeps the updates coming.
Forget saving the best till last: you have to check out our hi-res 60fps gameplay videos of the life-completingly pretty DOA4 in-game action RIGHT NOW.
October 11, 2005
If you haven't snapped up Spartan Total Warrior yet, then the game's creators could help you make the decision!
Despite furry paws and wet snouts, Nintendo's pups miss the coveted top spot.
More footie fun for those not impressed by realism in their sports games. First screens.
Id's other shooter finds itself a comfy locale on the Net.
Now all you need is that complimentary champagne and you're on your way to office shame.
October 10, 2005
Allard admits that early adopters - and would-be early adopters - are in for tough times.
Company decides that late is better than lacklustre.
Announced on the run and headed for release just as fast, Ridge Racer finally gets some screenshot action.
October 8, 2005
Lionhead's stellar sequel finally lets you become a god. But is it too little too late?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. These were our first thoughts on playing Castlevania DS - but did it all turn our OK or what? Find out in our detailed review.
One of Nintendo DS's best titles? Let's find out, as we have fun repeatedly flicking a small, round, pink thing.
Peter Molyneux's ambitious hero simulator wings its way to PC - but can Lost Chapters deliver its promises?
Once upon a time there was a giant. He was big and green and liked to smash things. Lots of things. Will you help him smash these wonderful things? You should...
We take a look at this epic CGI movie, including the most recently added trailer in widescreen format.
Our impressions of Samus' DS outing from our most recent hands-on with the game.
One of this-gen's most anticipated games found its way to the Xbox with some of the finest game tech ever seen.
October 7, 2005
Not only does Xbox 360 actually exist, it also has games to die for. The real theme of X05 was tangibility, as our hugely detailed verdict report explains.
Or lack of it, as the case may be. But it's actually a good thing, if you believe the argument.
Do the latest Japanese charts say something more about Nintendo's future?
If you're not getting enough realism out of Pro Evo, why not give the management tie-in a go? First spreadsheettastic screens.
October 6, 2005
Capcom's other zombie game brings fast-paced undead action to the next-gen. New screens.
If what you want is mass devastation amid World War II thrills and spills, THQ has something for you. First screens.
The grandfather of FPSs gets aimed at the next generation.
A new developer and a new console could mean the best Tomb Raider game in years. Cough.
October 5, 2005
Game will mark the beginnging of Nintendo's taking the Internet as a gaming medium seriously.
Square's popular SNES trilogy soon available again on another Nintendo console.
October 4, 2005
Microsoft brings its game face to Holland ahead of its next-gen console's debut this Xmas. New screens for all the games you want to see.
Top Xbox man weighs in on that missing hard drive and how his company has it over Sony in the next-gen.
Another crystal ball gazing session reflects 15 months Scrooge would be proud of.
Someone from Bungie's shooter is joining Team Ninja for a fight.
EA pulls in another No. 1 as the onslaught of fourth quarter releases begins.
Kikizo dons its red leather jacket and takes to the streets to visit Rockstar for a hands-on preview of the upcoming movie licensed game. New gameplay videos inside!
Sega's arcade sequel in 60fps cam video.
Ingeniously, we made some videos of a game by filming it and putting it on the site.
You should definitely check out the collaborative mech effort from Sega and From Software in this hi-res cam video.
See digital men make stupid faces!
New videos of the much-delayed sequel.
It's the same trailer but, erm, bigger. And some recent new screens too.
Yu Suzuki's new arcade game to deliver intriguing touch-screen gameplay.
October 3, 2005
What 'M' is the single most wished for feature in a modern GTA game? We go hands-on with LCS to bring detailed impressions, including multiplayer. New trailer included.
Crystal balls show big things on the horizon for the PSP too, including...a hard drive?
Company takes 10th anniversary celebrations a touch too far.
Launch event planned, and you can even bring your real-life pup along, should you have one.
And Chow Yun-Fat is slated to reprise his Hard Boiled role again too.
October 1, 2005
Hi-res 60fps video of Team Soho's latest astonishing demonstration of London-based Getaway 'Future Vision'.