June 30, 2005
Games are on the verge of becoming truly mainstream, but to do that game makers have to reach out with games of wider appeal.
Does this mean you'll be able to play Xbox games on your fridge? We can only hope.
Konami set to tease gamers in person. New screens too.
June 29, 2005
Yoshiki Okamoto may be getting press for his commitment to Xbox 360, but first there's a little swordplay for PlayStation 2 he needs to get off his chest. Full hands-on impressions and fresh screens.
Perhaps the reason Sony keeps calling it an entertainment supercomputer is because it wants to minimize sticker shock.
It may be underpowered compared to the PSP, but it's also building up a good-sized installed base.
New MMOG from GTA creator transforms the worst of inner-city life into a game. We can't wait.
Spies-in-training take note - award-winning developer is warming up for another Cold Winter.
June 28, 2005
The popular snowboarding franchise returns with...skiing? New screens.
Ubisoft's new shooter gets an official name too. More screens.
Britain braces for attack as Medal of Honor rebuffs a swell of new releases.
Just when you thought they couldn't ram more monsters into a brightly-coloured FPS. New screens.
June 27, 2005
Company says that good-looking games aren't necessarily good-playing games.
Golfing great picks up a new control scheme on his way to Microsoft's looming beast. New high-def screens.
The gritty noir adventure series joins the cavalcade of games morphing into movies.
It seems that much like cockroaches, nothing short of the Apocalypse is going to bring these critters down.
If you want to pass the time waiting for trains by, er, controlling trains, then this is the game for you. First languid art.
We sit down with development guru Julian Widdows, to go in-depth on one of PS2's hottest shooters - and get detailed, interesting insight into game development and next-gen expectations. Plus! Cold Winter 2 confirmed.
Well yes, it is obviously footage - a ten minute, direct feed trailer in fact. The next big thing in FPSes though? Quite possibly... you decide!
Proper footage of one of the most exciting Sega titles in development right now.
June 24, 2005
Their approaches may be very different, but Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will all be making online a core component of their new machines.
Epic's third-person shooter is one of the best-looking games on Microsoft's new console.
The Ico creators are back with a spiritual successor that builds on the concepts of that hallowed game.
Well, now there's something we wouldn't have predicted.
Cel Damage developer Pseudo Interactive gives Xbox 360 its first vehicular combat game.
PC hit gains new features en route to Xbox. New screens.
June 23, 2005
Games are in the headlines again, but for all the wrong reasons. It doesn't help matters that even the experts don't know what's what.
Report out of Japan says Sony has lowered its production targets for the year. The question is why?
If old Mario doesn't do it for you, perhaps a slightly better looking old Mario will.
Popular gauls ram their tongues firmly into their cheeks for a lampoon of some of gaming's greats. First screens.
June 22, 2005
Despite Microsoft's ambitious goals, Sony says it's ready to take the fight to the Redmond giant.
Peter Moore wows London conference with solid numbers and talk of hardware possibilities for Europe.
Company explains its side of the story, rubbishes trademark claims from online retailer.
The promising new shooter from Splash Damage, id Software and Activision - direct feed trailer inside.
Yes, you read that right: not only do we have three copies of Microsoft's final Xbox game to give away, but three fully awesome Conker PLUSH TOYS to go with them.
Hello readers, this is Kikizo. You're Live on Xbox - please do not swear. The votes are in, and we can now reveal the final Xbox game to exit the Microsoft house is....
Shockingly comprehensive Official Guide from Piggyback meets challenge of busting the ultra-deep racer open.
June 21, 2005
Microsoft's VP talks up the company's new marketing approach and that whole 'billion gamers' thing.
Finally, those of you in Europe with Japanese PSPs can breathe a sigh of relief.
Is San Andreas still big and clever enough to dazzle you on more powerful platforms? What do you think?
Build it and they will come. Or maybe not. In this case, we'd say not.
From Software's Tenchu: Fatal Shadows attempts to better past efforts, but does it succeed?
Never send a man to do a job that five could do. We take a look at Irrational Games' contribution to the SWAT legacy.
The third installment in this great Clancy franchise came up fast. Was it the next step in giving us the best stealth experience ever?
After the graphically battered but playable Sega Ages edition of VF2, comes yet another Model-2 fighting classic. Fighting Vipers gets the Kikizo treatment.
Konami's classic run n' gun shooting series returns, but does Neo Contra further derail Contra's good name? Some new videos included in this very late review.
KOF celebrates its tenth birthday by bursting into the third dimension with Maximum Impact - but does it sting like a butterfly?
New rocktastic game from the creators of Amplitude and Frequency. First screens and details.
Another week on top for the gangster game, despite strong new releases.
June 20, 2005
First screens for what will ilkely be the series' swansong on current-gen consoles.
Microsoft puts out more could-be-better screens for Rare's long-awaited shooter. There's also word of the official site.
In what can only be a sign of the impending apocalypse, that frog has been licensed out for not one but several games. Shudder.
June 17, 2005
Half-an-hour with Shigeru Miyamoto, Eiji Aonuma, Koji Kondo & Hideki Konno for extensive discussion on Zelda: Twilight Princess, Mario Kart DS, Nintendogs and the latest from EAD. Plus, a 30-min Zelda gameplay video.
No official confirmation of region coding details but prepare yourself for sticker-shock.
Bizarre's highly anticipated next-gen racer will mix up the old formula. New screens.
EverQuest creator picks up DC Comics brand and takes over Matrix Online.
Fans of the bouncy bits will now have something distinctly more human to look at. We presume there will be a few fight scenes as well.
June 16, 2005
If you want to get down with Snake, you're going to have to get comfortable with the batstick. But at least Kojima is hell-bent on providing something more for the next instalment.
Ubisoft's PC shooter conversion looks to be coming along very nicely indeed.
Phantagram's RTS-cum-action game was a surprise hit last year and the new instalment is taking things to the next level. First screens.
Must be able to keep their cool during intense aerial combat and know how to make good coffee. New screens a plus.
June 15, 2005
Creator confirms Mario 128 is headed to Nintendo's new console, drops more hints about mythical controller.
Microsoft's backwards compatibility struggle becomes a little less entangled.
And there is talk that Eidos will be using him for reference in later games too.
Nintendo's handhelds have been taken to many questionable places over the years, but nothing quite as impressive as this.
June 14, 2005
Company splits from Sony and Microsoft, saying that it won't support high-definition in the next generation.
It's still in last place in the eyes of many, but at least it's got that whole upwards motion thing working.
And there's more to come as China preps to go hot.
Recidivism in action as the thugs from San Andreas reclaim the spot at the top of the pile.
June 13, 2005
From the minds that brought you The Chronicles of Riddick game.
Despite what you may have heard from E3, ATI says that Microsoft actually has the edge in the next-gen race.
If you build it, they will come. Just make sure you actually build enough of them.
Aonuma's latest elvish offering grabs all the right kind of attention from E3 critics.
June 10, 2005
Highlights from our video interview with Xbox-man J Allard, though we've heard that three out of four doctors recommend you watch the whole thing too.
Think of it as Grand Theft Auto - without the cars, or (we presume) the guns, but with homework and puppy love. New screens.
You may (cruelly) not be allowed to pick off people from a mile away in real life, but at least Rebellion's new game will give you a taste. New screens.
June 9, 2005
Ubisoft's highly anticipated shooter port is nearing release, which means it's time to start spilling details about some of the new features.
Final Fantasy X producer confirms he's working on a new series instalment, side-steps semantics.
New features for the latest instalment in the best damn soccer, er, football game around.
Popular Japanese sRPG series brings 60-man battles to Sony's handheld. First screens.
June 8, 2005
Kikizo talks to the face of Xbox 360 about deliberate leaks, expanding the audience, graphical quality, changing Xbox politics, the pre-rendered fiasco, Halo 3, managing a team of 20,000 and the future of Xbox.
Finally, some concrete information, but it's accompanied by the usual Nintendo equivocating anyway.
And it's not just Nintendo that will be taking the dual-screen portable system on to the Internet.
Now you too can pretend to be in a bad sci-fi movie and do all the things those little gray guys do.
Things are about to get messy in the popular MMORPG as Blizzard introduces the first PvP areas.
June 7, 2005
Rumours of the next generation costing more seem to be quashed - for now
Just what the world needs - another game starring a foul-mouthed squirrel. Conkerrific details inside.
Super-spy preps for insertion into the battlefield that is Nintendo's dual-screen portable.
Faced with little in the way of competition, Star Wars stretches its lead to another week.
June 6, 2005
Could this hopeful entry from Swordfish Studios and VUG be the answer to PS2's FPS fantasies? Let's find out.
Shigeru Miyamoto has seen the future of games and he doesn't like it. So it's quite handy that he's in a position to make sure Nintendo does things differently.
Sony's new portable is suffering from a lack of new game releases in Japan, while the puppies make sure the same fate doesn't befall the DS.
The problem with launching a physical product is you actually have to make it. But Microsoft says that it's unbridled customer zeal that is going to cause the shortage.
June 4, 2005
Ten hours of simply the best HD E3 video coverage you can find, covering everything on PS3 and Xbox 360 along with masses of handheld and current-gen titles, all-new stuff and some surprise bonuses.
June 3, 2005
Sony dearly wants you to buy a PSP, but only when and how they say you should.
That's a lot of PlayStations. Do you have one?
The game has been delayed for a while now, but at long last we'll finally get to live the lives of the secret seven. Latest screens inside.
June 2, 2005
But if you're repulsed by the bat-stick, we recommend that you start getting over that as soon as possible.
Touch-screen puzzle solving in the newly-renamed Another Code. Screens and details.
The pudgy plumber laces up his cleats for yet another sporty outing. First screens and details.
The popular anime series, already having made a stop on PlayStation 2, is now headed to PSP.
SNK's sword-happy fighting game is headed online later this year, but only for some.
June 1, 2005
UK devs try to do something different with the FPS formula that is getting so very, very played. Details and screens ahead of the game's release this week.
The Viewtiful Joe squad is back with one of the most talked about games from E3. First screens and details.
We'd say something about the Force helping Star Wars come out on top, but, frankly, we're tired of that hackneyed expression.
Call of Duty 2 isn't even out yet but Infinity Wards appears to be forging ahead with work on the sequel.