August 31, 2005
Despite Live's success, Sony wants to continue down its chosen path.
Now you can play more Halo without having to spend a penny.
Cut up the floor with the sometimes-plumber in another non-platforming game.
And it's not just because there's nothing else coming out.
August 30, 2005
Fighting words from the company ahead of the PSP's launch this week.
Euro-exclusive explanatory booklet coming to make the card-based gameplay more approachable.
Can anything stop the rampant success of the MMOG behemoth?
Treasure's long-awaited sequel picks up a name change en route to Europe.
"Let me welcome you ladies and gentlemen. I would like to say hello. Are you ready for some entertainment?" Whoops, wrong Mercury; we're supposed to be reviewing the PSP game.
It's a game of Good vs. Evil, political intrigue, blood, schizophrenia and Mexican wrestlers. Perhaps someone at Capcom has been on the happy juice?
If you can fit four elephants into a mini, and two fat ladies into a bike and sidecar, why can't you fit a PS2 game onto a UMD? Street racinskidsds out of the living room.
August 26, 2005
Nintendo reminds everyone that Microsoft and Sony aren't the only ones with a next-gen console in the offing. Meow.
Is this how Microsoft is going to get around not having the hard drive as standard?
Koei's long-running and best-selling ancient Chinese war game gets on online home ahead of its debut next week.
It does a lot for you, so why not work it out in return.
August 25, 2005
It's time to chat to the CEO of Gas Powered Games to learn all about the huge sequel that is Dungeon Siege II. Plus! Lengthy video walkthrough with the man himself!
Capcom proves that there's no such thing as a fully milked cow.
Not only are they not keen on things other than games, they're not all that keen on the games either.
Think of it as Blinx, but with the vibrant colours replaced with violent deaths.
Let's hope that this one turns out better than most of the other game movies out there.
Thank god for that. We're tired of using the make-shift keyboard to search for por, er, work-related documents.
And you thought only the Xbox was currently able to support playing with your own tunes. For shame.
Ubisoft cranks out more downloads for Xbox Live.
August 23, 2005
Amazing revelations as Sega's mythical sequel prepares for reality on next-gen platforms. It's nothing to do with the newly announced Ryu ga Goto Ku from Toshihiro Nagoshi. It's AM2 - and it's back, with Shenmue 3.
Delays of several big games means that Nintendo's Christmas outlook is bleaker than it would have hoped.
It seems that early adopters aren't keen on buying a system that doesn't measure up to the hype Microsoft has created. Who would have guessed?
New screenshots for one of the most genuinely beautiful games we've seen in a long time.
Publishers' reluctance to put out new games leads to a massive drop in sales across the UK.
August 22, 2005
Company steps in to shield the console from criticism pouring in after the revelation of two hardware packages.
If you want to see how Microsoft went from black and bulky to white and whimsical make your way down to the capital.
EA unveils the songs that will be playing over (and over and over) as footie fanatics play season after season.
August 20, 2005
The Konami girls are back on 360.
New trailer from Neversoft western.
A trio of incredible gameplay videos!
Fantastic new gameplay footage.
Compact version of the incredible trailer.
Nice new trailer based on Gotham TV.
A new trailer and gameplay clips, plus details on the key characters and new screenshots.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Xbox 360 debut.
Midway sequel is looking rather hot.
Lionhead teases with its Lost Chapters.
Newest MK game shown in new trailer.
August 19, 2005
Kojima returns to his most famous creation and spruces it up nice and good. New screens.
Crikey, that's 6 million screens in Europe alone.
Yet another game joins the throng already slipped into the new year.
After a frustratingly long hiatus, the golf series comes back to Europe in a big way.
August 18, 2005
Our latest interview with Konami Tokyo reveals plenty of behind-the-scenes detail on one of PSP's hottest titles.
Konami's wrestling series jumps to Microsoft's next-gen console, gaining online play en route.
Quite how Mario stays so rotund with all the sports he's doing is a mystery.
If OutRun 2 isn't doing it for you, perhaps a spin in a repolished version of the old one will.
Who said adventure gaming is dead?
August 17, 2005
Finally, the debate over pricing and whether or not a hard drive will be included can come to a rest.
If you just have to have a new Game Boy Advance, you better wait it out a little longer.
August 16, 2005
Nintendo gives Link more time in the cooker. New screens proffered, but those won't ease the pain.
Publisher lays out its plans for the rest of the year.
Not so much a slashing of the price as a mere grooming to keep things in order.
No new games means that Ashes-driven cricket demand floats to the top.
August 15, 2005
The inclusion of the version 2.0 with European PSPs won't be good news to everyone.
The GameCube hit makes a successful visual shift to the PlayStation 2. See the screens for yourself.
And good timing too. Anything to wash away the acrid taste left by those last two movies.
Iron Maiden and David Lynch see their hard work end up on Sony's new portable.
Now there's another resource for those of you who are jonesing for more Ghost Recon action.
Here's our in-depth look and comprehensive verdict on the zany collaborative RPG Namco X Capcom, along with a load of gameplay vids.
Our latest impressions from Sega's fantastic double-screened Sonic outing for Nintendo DS.
Ys hero Adol Christin is back, in a Konami action RPG for the PSP that takes players to a fantastic world where a great mystery awaits.
From futuristic biker gangs to orange demons and eeee-vil talking skulls - what next from Tim Schafer? How about a summer camp full of hormonal psychic youngsters? Got it in one!
Play with Yoshi like you've never played with him before. No, hold on - that's not right...
We go hands on with SCEI's Tenchi no Mon, also known as Heaven Key, Earth Gate.
Everyone's favorite new-age action hero is back to take his movie-themed adventure mobile.
The third chapter of Psikyo's Sengoku Ace series: Sengoku Cannon.
Much like the West Indian team itself, the collective hopes of cricket videogame fans are pinned on Brian Lara...
August 12, 2005
The highly-anticipated volley-'em-up gets a home on the Internet ahead of its debut next month.
Codemasters spruces up the aesthetically dull genre with a helping of tasty graphics.
Previously red-faced developer now red-faced with anger instead of embarrassment.
August 11, 2005
Following the introduction of a web browser, Sony is planning to expand the capabilities of the PSP even further.
Proof that playing with your ball is a wonderful thing to be shared with everyone.
The latest in DICE's popular shooter series cracks the big one.
Not the bark, bark kind but rather the bounty hunting kind. First screens and details.
The company that brought you brightly coloured strategy RPG epics follows up with a brightly coloured traditional RPG.
August 10, 2005
Embattled publisher responds to the fracas surrounding the pseudo-sex with a real patch to stop people from harming themselves. Now eat your peas for goodness sake.
Rez and Lumines creator swaps music for mayhem in next-gen game for Microsoft. New screens.
The previously PC-exclusive expansion pack is PC-exclusive no more.
Just wait till anti-gamer Jack Thompson hears about this.
August 9, 2005
Some retailers are running out of their launch allotments, but is it their fault or Sony's?
This could be a good or a bad thing, depending who you ask.
It's the series that won't die, and when you look at the sales figures you can see why.
Another week, another chart with a movie tie-in on top.
Legendary Japanese RPG creator Hironobu Sakaguchi talks in-depth to Kikizo about his new Mistwalker company and its two Xbox 360 projects, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Video interview included!
August 8, 2005
The PSP may be just weeks away from its last major launch, but that isn't stopping Sony from suing people.
US analyst weighs on with a guesstimated launch date and hints at shortages in Europe.
The overly rich man-child adds more to the piggy bank by signing up to be EA's cover athelete. Screens and other details inside too.
Aussie developer has contract cancelled; game possibly going next-gen.
August 5, 2005
Microsoft's not giving out any solid details, but trickles are appearing in the retail dam.
Namco's racer is not only coming to Microsoft's next-gen console, it'll be there on day one.
More signs that multiplatform is the way forward.
Ubisoft serves up another steaming helping of Ghosts for your satisfaction.
Another platform for the zany 2D actioner.
August 4, 2005
The series' new director wants to hang onto the survival-horror franchise's celebrated past but still grasp the future.
Teens and twentysomethings prove no match for the all-consuming charisma of Sir Sean Connery.
If you're a Hajime no Ippo fan, this is the game for you. If you're not, well, you still might want to check it out. New screens.
Just what the PSP needs more of: racing games. New screens for PSP McRae and TOCA games inside.
August 3, 2005
Several Ifs and Coulds separate fact from fiction in speculative new research note.
New screens for one of the quirky, career games coming to the Nintendo DS.
New management sim lets you do what the England squad don't look able to to do by themselves.
August 2, 2005
Activists and concerned parents aren't too impressed with the little they know about Rockstar's new high school-themed game.
Sony want you to buy it for the games, but don't forget that that sexy little thing can do other stuff too.
Kirby creator's Tetris-'em-up being tractored to the launch pad.
And there's proof that having a movie license is never a bad thing.
August 1, 2005
Kikizo's latest hot interview with the Team Ninja Boss on Dead or Alive 4, Ninja Gaiden Black, DOAX2, breaking Xbox 360 dev kits, his wife, and much more!
Even the PS3 and Xbox 360 may be, but the MS founder sees an ace in the hole for his company.
Square Enix's loyal fans are forced to wait even longer.
This is a story all about how this Prince's life got turned upside down. New screens. Word!
Being a Marvel superhero is apparently the new big thing. Or maybe they're just trying to cash in on the comics craze.
The jury's still out on how well the final package will impress, but for now, have a look at this hot new video, new screens and details.