November 30, 2004
Sales forecast up to 5m by March.
Knocking Rockstar down into second.
Next generation race further hots up.
Update: New info and exciting quotes.
The historically accurate WWII offering.
November 29, 2004
Next generation race further hots up.
Three UK studios merge for PS3, Xenon.
Exciting PS2 shortages set to annoy.
Anticipated Dragon Quest VIII released.
Rockstar has today lovingly placed GTA's stunning soundtrack on store shelves - here's our mini-review along with a video of "The Intrdoduction" Bonus DVD.
November 26, 2004
Guerrilla hoped to give PS2 its first outstanding shooter - did they pull it off? We wrap our huge Killzone coverage to find out. New vids included.
As Japanese gamers prepare to line up in the cold for PSP, demand hugely outweighs supply.
Yet more key Nintendo franchises are in the hotseat including Pokémon and some old Mario sequel.
Doug Lombardi promises patch via Steam.
Months of game progress destroyed!
Sly's got brains, Ratchet has brawn and Jak 3 has looks to kill - but has the series recovered from its 'renegade' past? New videos included.
November 25, 2004
Market news causes a betting rethink.
Healthy uptake among American PC gamers.
It's on shelves in the UK this week.
Drive a cab around London on all formats.
November 24, 2004
Updates on four major Nintendo franchises as screens arrive for Zelda GCN, Mario Baseball, Donkey Konga 3 and Kirby Adventure.
That'll learn all you pirating thieves!
THQ working with co-developer Mass Media.
Blizzard is polishing up for gold.
November 23, 2004
European titles to debut at launch. First screens of Rayman DS, Sprung and more!
It's time to up your arsenals with the season's new guns 'n' gadgets, as Ratchet and Clank are back for a third outing.
Nintendo fans have always marched to their own drumbeat, and now's their chance to prove it. Plastic bongos in hand, we set boldly forth...
New research from Phoenix uncovered.
Rockstar's epic beats down Halo 2.
Expansion pack for The Sims 2 coming.
November 22, 2004
Day 1 Studios chief Denny Thorley reveals all on this huge Xbox Live sequel, discusses company plans, next-gen, and handheld tidbits.
Square Enix delivers the bad news.
Find out what really happened in JFK Reloaded - first screens inside.
Next version to hit PS2 early 2005 with online. First screens inside.
November 19, 2004
DS hits the US this weekend!
Both Japanese and American versions.
Industry veteran Archer Maclean speaks.
Treasure's Advance Guardian Heroes hits GBA.
EA keeps official Champions League license.
November 18, 2004
Our review gets the multiplayer treatment.
Famous types play DS in Hollywood.
With sophisticated modern warfare toys.
Original, stunning plan to develop Live.
Ignition secures right to Zoo Keeper.
November 17, 2004
EyeToy: Kinetic seems like an exercise game.
Industry body responds to developer moans.
Incredible soundtrack spans eight CDs.
November 16, 2004
With a couple of impressive new entries.
Hooray for Kojima's amazing mood swings!
Just Add Monsters saved from Argonaut
Available for official download now!
November 15, 2004
Exclusive hi-res 60fps videos of the best Tekken game ever, as played by one of the world's top players!
A colossal gamble pays off at Sega.
EA and Activision titles are faves.
A third of US punters to buy new console.
Custom PC designed specifically for HL2.
Has Team Soho improved upon the 2002 original with Black Monday - or just ballsed it all up? Our verdict.
That darn raccoon has been messing with my bins again! Ma, get the shotgun...
November 12, 2004
Along with any other first-person-shooter for Xbox and PS2 for that matter. Details inside!
According to a newspaper, possibly sourced from a Japanese Nintendo press release.
Race Driver and Colin McRae go portable.
2.4 million copies in first 24 hours.
Legend Of Zelda contest for UK.
November 11, 2004
We've been playing Black Monday to bring you impressions, plus lovely videos and screens.
MS declines comment on 'TriBox' gossip.
Retail frenzy in UK as US takes $125m.
Sims In The City ready for cash.
Chain of Memories hitting US and UK.
November 10, 2004
Could be online overseas, sequel news.
Officially UK's fastest, says ELSPA.
$100 million on day one, reckons Moore
Get to Earls Court for the FIFA tourney.
November 9, 2004
Mario's latest adventure unfolds on the GameCube. But is it worth the paper it's, er, printed on?
As the second wave of EyeToy games arrive, Sega gets in on the act and brings all our favourite characters along for the party.
Billboard magazine announced its winners.
Konami reminds us of release this week.
A million copies sold in UK - ChartTrack
Bugbear; an object of terror, dislike, or annoyance. Entertainment; a performance to give pleasure - which best describes Bugbear Entertainment's new racer?
We get to grips with this fantastic GameCube import release from Nintendo.
Does Konami's first EyeToy offering stand a chance again the mighty EyeToy:Play 2 and Sega Superstars?
Tickets for Wrestlemania 21 up for grabs.
Blizzard caters to high demand from fans.
We decided to catch up with some older current generation games, starting with this.
November 8, 2004
A selection of direct feed gameplay videos added to our review. Taken from early in the game, but all should be considered mild spoilers.
Can Bungie make lightning strike twice? We take one of the most anticipated games of the year through its paces.
27 countries receive Halo 2 this week.
Capcom's stars released in SNK's world.
Drinking shame accompanies annual event.
NCsoft to release PC title this month.
November 5, 2004
Preview event seems a success.
Bugbear's carnage-filled racer hits stores.
Market reacts strongly to release of PStwo.
Piggyback spent months on definitive guide.
November 4, 2004
Title to be released at "unspecified" time.
Another game in the popular Hitman series.
David Hayter, Kyle Cooper, & 'HGW' signed.
November 3, 2004
Exclusive sit-down with SCEI's Fumito Ueda and Kenji Kaido for a quizzing on the spiritual successor to Ico.
PAL-60 only means chuck your (very) old TVs.
Sweden-based Starbreeze gets fresh deal.
New project Avalon to be demoed in the US.
US retailer has stopped taking pre-orders.
November 2, 2004
Celebrated FF composer Nobuo Uematsu walks.
Arcade port of Half-Life 2 in Japan.
Now this one's a shocker. Latest charts.
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy for PC.
Another new video of Dual Screen in action.
We bring you more Killzone goodies first.
Some new video of Artoon's latest as the clocks go back. Hurrah!
Another blokcbuster SCEE title nears release - here is a new video along with screens.
Updated trailer in direct feed along with game details and screens. This looks great!
More mixed scenes from Jak 3 at 60fps.
There's a GBA version too, you know.
High quality video, because we can.
November 1, 2004
Nintendo reeling from another Capcom U-turn.
More than one million served in Europe.
Atari and Bandai get Stand Alone Complex.
One of the creepiest games of the last few years coming to Xbox thanks to Microsoft.