January 31, 2007
And Atsushi Inaba talks about how making original games these days is impossible.
The Ghosts are heading for the border in the next-gen sequel and you can test it yourself right now. New screens inside.
Rockstar avoids commenting on the game's supposed existence.
Microsoft reveals 10 new games coming to the service over the coming months. Screens inside.
January 30, 2007
Development is just about done on what could be the last truly huge game on the PlayStation 2.
You'd think it was a given, but nobody is willing to blurt it out yet.
It's back to the top of the pile for Capcom's shooter.
The bungled Valor maps are coming back to the Xbox 360 - hopefully functional this time.
January 29, 2007
Not too long now until Microsoft's racer hits the streets. Details on future downloadable content inside too.
Nothing much outside of a good dose of elbow grease and a new character class for multiplayer.
The company is taking a cautious approach as consoles start to stack up in stores.
Capcom has harsh words for AIAS, which has snubbed the company for the second year in a row.
January 26, 2007
We've put in hours with this massive and original Xbox 360 game for this new preview.
Does Mizuguchi's latest work inspire or infuriate?
Enter J.R.R. Tolkien's imagination with your thousand closest friends this spring.
Sega launches Web home for its imminent fighter.
It's the Nintendo 64 one, but that's still better than some of the portware hitting the system.
Pilotwings-'em-up headed soon to the Wii.
January 25, 2007
Tenchu's creators are back with a real-ultimate-ninja title for PSP, and we're first to review the English-language version.
Could it be the best Wario yet? Let's find out.
Eight weeks to go until the PS3 arrives and it's bringing nearly three-dozen games with it.
Perhaps Nintendo is hoping the affable lawyer will throw a wrench in the PS3 launch.
Sony Online Entertainment would like to remind you that MMO doesn't mean just World of Warcraft.
People clearly like the Wii a lot, and they're not scared to take it online either.
January 24, 2007
He's been stuck on Sony systems for some time now, but Kojima is dropping hints of life beyond Snake on PC and Xbox 360.
When the company does get around to doing another MMO game, it says it will strike new ground.
Regime change worked well enough the first time around that the publisher is giving the series another go.
January 23, 2007
Reggie Fils-Aime talks about possible upgrades to the Wii and why they won't involve HD.
Irrational's game is all about the singleplayer, evidently.
And comments from Sony's American boss suggest we shouldn't expect a price drop soon either.
At least it was if you consider North America and Europe. Staggering numbers inside.
Prequel to Driver: Parallel Lines coming this spring.
January 22, 2007
Don't cry for Harmonix. The team may not be working on the Guitar Hero series anymore, but there are big things in the offing.
The demo is geared up for release just as the game heads off to the duplication plant.
Another high as Epic's shooter becomes the fastest selling original Xbox game ever.
Europe embraces Touch! Generations with gusto.
January 19, 2007
Two months on, Kikizo brings together Nintendo's number one fans to deliver this comprehensive, unbiased review of Wii - and we're not shy about saying what we mean.
First screens from the full expansion, due this spring.
We'll find out soon enough if download size is something that's holding back Microsoft's downloadable-game initiative.
More shooting of the in-your-face variety in the expansion of EA's futuristic game. First screens.
January 18, 2007
No demo yet for Microsoft's open-world game, but the interest is there.
The zombie thriller was Capcom's first big Xbox 360 success but Lost Planet seems like it will be bigger still, shipping 1 million units since December.
It took a bit longer than expected for Sony to hit 2 million. But what does that mean for the European launch?
New music-'n'-fireworks game from the Project Gotham Racing developer - and it's being published by EA.
January 17, 2007
How much will the PS3 cost, and when will it arrive? Statements from Sony muddy the waters, but clarification is due next week.
Has Activision handed development duties on the series to the Tony Hawk creator? It seems so. Bonus screens from Harmonix' Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II inside.
Don't expect to see Fatal Inertia or Bladestorm on shelves when the console debuts in March.
EA adds new features as it branches off The Sims in a laptop-friendly new series. First screens inside.
January 16, 2007
We chat to Game Republic founder Yoshiki Okamoto about the difficult process of getting Genji: Days of the Blade out in time for the PS3 launch.
No word yet from Activision but EGM says it's so.
Capcom has another winner on the Xbox 360, but will it do even better than Dead Rising?
PopCap title goes from downloadable PC game to downloadable Xbox Live Arcade game.
January 15, 2007
Is New Zack Island one of fantasy or torture?
The best handleld aerial warfare, but for how long?
An expansion that lasts as long as its title? No.
Europeans wait for everything, but at least this time Konami is trying to make the wait worthwhile.
Guide your favourite team to victory on the continent. Sorry PS3 - no love for you.
But the full release isn't too far off now.
Britons go weak at the knees for Nintendo's systems.
January 12, 2007
Did expectations for Capcom's latest leave us cold?
The ultimate wrestling videogame to date?
That's bigger than Switzerland, if you need a comparison.
It's nearly a year late but Square Enix's latest is good enough that most people won't mind.
It's not the new instalment fans would like but rather the first two Dreamcast games with extras. First screens.
It's yours now if you're a Gold member.
January 11, 2007
The Lost Planet producer tells Kikizo how war in Iraq influenced his new Xbox 360 shooter.
New consoles and surging portables help the industry to its best year yet.
Exclusive 15-minute video feature with legendary Capcom producer, Keiji Inafune, on the eve of the epic release that is Lost Planet.
We're giving away five limited edition copies of Xbox 360's first must-have game of 2007, each with a cool faceplate and other goodies!
January 10, 2007
Component shortages weigh heavily on Sony during the opening months of its console's life.
Capcom's zombie thriller hits the big time.
More games for the Virtual Console and some of them are even good.
January 9, 2007
Bill Roper and Flagship Studios are bringing to life a terrifying view of a future London infested with demons.
Better graphics, 10 new songs and downloadable content - we can almost hear fans salivating.
There are new maps due later this week but for now you'll have to console yourself with fewer bugs.
The publishing giant's top franchises steamroll their way into post-Christmas shopping baskets.
January 8, 2007
Robbie Bach and Bill Gates sing the praises of the Xbox 360 and introduce its media future.
But some doubters wonder whether they're all being sold or not.
Plus Microsoft reveals sales have surpassed 2.7 million since November.
January 5, 2007
Get a look at Criterion's new driving game and find out why it won't be coming to the Wii.
Who said summer sucks for gaming?
How hard is it going to be to play Halo 3 this spring? Not very, by the looks of things.
First details for Bethesda's full Oblivion expansion.
Time to make amends for missing out on this cult hit.
January 3, 2007
Yoshi's back with a new 2D adventure on DS.
Does the newest Phantasy deliver on its promises?
Can Fox McCloud and pals bring back their SFX glory?
The Minis March, in Mario's latest DS outing.
Is the new Sonic as bad as everyone says? We lock our rose-tinted specs away and give our own frank verdict.
Two decades after forming the studio, the brothers have called it quits at the now-Microsoft-owned company.
More good news for Nintendo as its new console goes triple-platinum.
Accolades once again heaped on Microsoft's shooter.
When Sony's new console arrives in Europe next March, you'll have a five-month-old game to keep you busy.
Find out more about the past, present and future of games at the Science Museum in London.
And the UK games industry has its best week ever.