E3: Complete Coverage Index
Kikizo wraps its coverage of the biggest game show ever with hundreds of articles, a sarky lookback, killer interviews and Ultimate Video Coverage.
- E3 2005: Ultimate Video Coverage
- E3 2005: After the Show
- E3 2005: From the Showfloor
- E3 2005: Nintendo Press Event
- E3 2005: Xbox Press Event
- E3 2005: Sony Press Event
- E3 2005: Pre Show News Coverage
- E3 2005: Mini Preview
- E3 2004: Coverage Archive
- E3 2003: Coverage Archive
In every possible way, it was the biggest games event in the industry's young history. All three next-gen consoles did make an appearance. The new Game Boy was unveiled. Titles like Zelda: Twilight Princess and Shadow of the Colossus were ace. Sega did come up trumps with some next gen demonstration surprises. Attendance was its highest ever. Yes, E3 2005 will always be a show to remember.

Something a Bit Different
Of course, there's a negative way of looking at everything. PlayStation 3's jaw-dropping game demos, such as Killzone 2, were mostly pre-rendered, and we still have no real idea just how awesome PS3 visuals could really be until the controller is in our hands. Xbox 360's Pre-show conference was underwhelming, following the last month or so of leaks and the MTV debut. Xbox Press Event attendees didn't get HDTVs like everyone did at GDC, just a limited edition Xbox 360 faceplate instead - boo! The new Game Boy wasn't any sort of PSP killer but just a much cuter, smaller GBA. Mario 128 failed to make an appearance for the third consecutive year, with the project now confirmed to be Revolution-exclusive. Nintendo's conference shamed with two of the lamest, most potential-wasting presentations ever for two otherwise stunning DS titles, Electroplankton and Nintendogs. And Nintendo's Revolution was only sort of unveiled, with the full, secret controller megaton not expected until later this year, despite rumours that the secret was going to be unveiled on the final day of the show.
Handheld Intrigue
Something else that was slightly surprising was the direction of the new generation handheld battle. Software-wise, Nintendo DS unquestionably had a better show compared to PSP. As perhaps the strongest console at Nintendo's entire booth, (with only a couple of essential or interesting GameCube titles, and with the Revolution mock-up tucked away safely in one of the private meeting rooms inside the booth), DS not only offered the two aforementioned unique titles but trumped Sony's superior hardware with a line-up that included New Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing DS, Metriod Prime Hunters and Castlevania DS - all of which were very well received. On the PSP front, we had a few potent offerings like Pursuit Force, Daxter, Burnout Legends, Death Jr and Fired Up, plus the announcement of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories on Tuesday, but aside from the knowing the name and seeing a provisional logo, there was nothing to see - at least, not if you're online media. We didn't even get GT4 Mobile.
Special Thanks For Nothing
A light-hearted Special Thanks For Nothing must surely be levelled at a few culprits, starting with Rockstar for its appointment-only booth which no online media could attend, instead having to wait until a later date to see whatever goodies it was showcasing so that all the coverage co-incides with magazines. Square Enix, for its farcical policy on filming and distribution of footage, which means that only media with "broadcast" written on their badges get any love, counting out all gaming websites. Really clever, that (although not as clever as managing to include stuff like FFXII, FFXI and FFVI in conference direct feeds, thereby distributing it to everyone anyway, and then maybe trying to sue certain websites or DVD makers afterwards for using the footage).
The LA Convention Center and show organiser the ESA, for having a power outage first thing on Wednesday meaning that thousands of even top-tier industry journalists had to wait up to five hours in line, in swealtering heat in order to get their badge and gain entry to the show, missing a whole load of appointments that probably took months to organise. Now THIS was a joke, and we're frankly stunned that in such an emergency situation the ESA didn't just grant emergency access badges to the entire line to anyone who could prove they were over 18. Fortunately one connected Kikizo staffer asked his buddy from the ESA to sort of help those of us who hadn't collected their badges on Monday or Tuesday (something difficult to do with lots of work and conferences, maybe?) by issuing ESA Guest badges, so he is not included in the Special Thanks for Nothing list. Oh, and a big "LOL" to everyone we saw waiting in the Line of Doom.
Sega, for only having really easy-to-get Sonic plush toys in its display cabinet and no sign of rare ones like Cream or E-102. Yuji Naka for cancelling half of his appointments for no particular reason. Every single game magazine that claims a "world exclusive" on Xbox 360, including OXM and FHM - you're all filthy liars. Every media outlet that cries like a baby when somebody else gets a better interview/hands-on/whatever opportunity because they tried harder. And T-Mobile for its general uselessness.
To be honest though, there are WAY more thanks in order than thanks-for-nothings, even to every single one of the above-named evil-doers. And we'll be thanking you all in due course. Except T-Mobile. In the meantime: thank God it's all over, and we'll see you again next year.
E3 2005: Ultimate VideoMix
Exclusive: Bach on Xbox 360 Unknowns
Robbie Bach: Video Interview Summer 2005
Swordfish Studios Video Interview
Nintendo Video Interview Summer 2005
J Allard: Video Interview Summer 2005 Highlights from our video interview with Xbox-man J Allard, though we've heard that three out of four doctors recommend you watch the whole thing too.
Konami Video Interview: Coded Arms
Hironobu Sakaguchi Video Interview
Tomonobu Itagaki: Interview
Sonic Team: Phantasy Star Interview
Tecmo Interview: Keisuke Kikuchi
Tetsuya Mizuguchi Interview 2005
E3 2005 Draws Record Crowd
E3: The Xbox 360 Conference
E3: The PlayStation 3 Conference
E3: Full Auto: Xbox 360 Hands-On
E3: Gears of War: Xbox 360 Eyes-On
E3: Shadow of the Colossus: Hands-On
E3: Kameo: Elements of Power Hands-On
E3: Half-Life 2 Xbox Hands-On
E3: The Darkness: First Impressions
E3: Urban Reign Hands-On
E3: Virtua Tennis: World Tour Hands-On
E3: Okami Hands-On
E3: Fragmented Adventure in Killer 7
E3: The DS Has Trace Memory
E3: Mario Scores New Football Game
E3: Ghost in the PSP
E3: Art Triumphs Over Evil in Okami
E3: Final Fight Returning to Consoles
E3: Peter Jackson's King Kong - First Screens
E3: Neversoft Expands Tony Hawk Series
E3: TOCA Race Driver 3 - Screens
E3: SoulCalibur III Hands-On
E3: Phantasy Star Universe Hands-On
E3: Sonic Gems Collection Hands-On
E3: Shining Force Neo Hands-On
E3: Kutaragi: PS3 Not a Game Console
E3: Monolith Brings F.E.A.R. to PCs
E3: Hulk Prepares to Smash Consoles Again
E3: Atari Delivers a Fourth Driver
E3: Shadow the Hedgehog Hands-On
E3: Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
E3: Gunster Super Heroes Hands-On
E3: Madden NFL 06 Hands-On
E3: Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility Demystified
E3: Tiger Walks the Next-Gen Fairways
E3: Taxi Driver Headed to Consoles
E3: Ratched Gets Deadlocked
E3: Fatal Frame Torments the PlayStation 2
E3: Brain-Bending Adventure in Psychonauts
E3: Guilty Gear Slams Into DS and PSP
E3: Perfect Dark Zero Impressions
E3: King Kong First Impressions
E3: Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades
E3: Mario Kart DS Hands-On
E3: Animal Crossing DS Hands-On
E3: Onimusha: DoD Hands-On
E3: The Matrix: Path of Neo
E3: Xbox 360 Runs on Gears of War
E3: Honour Man by Eating it in Jaws
E3: Square Expands Kingdom Hearts
E3: Zelda: Twilight Princess Hands-On
E3: WOW Battlegrounds Hands-On
E3: New Super Mario Bros Hands-On
E3: Burnout Revenge Hands-On
E3: Far Cry: Instincts Hands-On
E3: Halo 2 Map Pack Hands-On
E3: Top Spin 360 Hands-On
E3: The Warriors Take to PS2 and Xbox
E3: The Movies Pulls in the Crowds
E3: SOCOM Gets Big for PlayStation 2
E3: First Guesses at PS3 Price
E3: Sega's Next-Gen Surprise
E3: MGS4 Slated for PS3
E3: SCEE Outlines PSP Launch
E3: Ninja Gaiden Blackened
E3: GTA PSP Named and Dated
E3: Dead or Alive 4: First Look! A new Ninja Gaiden update for Xbox exposed, in yet more breathtaking screens.
E3: Ubisoft Parades Ghost Recon 3 for Xbox 360
E3: Test Drive Motors on to Xbox 360
E3: EA Prepping 25 Xbox 360 Titles
Exclusive: Xbox 360 In-Depth Video
E3: Xbox 360 Revealed: Total Coverage!
E3: Sam Fisher Slinks on to DS
E3: Zombies Bring City of the Dead Details
E3: Burnout Revenge: First Ever Footage
E3: Revolution to Begin in Mid-2006?
E3: Sega's Super Gunstar Heroes Return
E3: Jackson's King Kong to Demolish E3
E3: The Show Preview
E3: EA Set for Mammoth E3 Showing
E3: Microsoft Reveals E3 PC Line-Up
E3: Ubisoft Line-Up
E3: Anyone for PSP Virtua Tennis?
E3: Iwata Touts DS Online Features
E3: Football Manager Goes Portable
E3: Xbox 360 Leaks Confirm Earlier Rumours
E3: Rockstar Goes Back to School for Bully
E3: Clive Barker Dreams Up a Demonik Tale
E3: EA Preps Burnout Legends for PSP Launch
E3: Fable: Lost Chapters - New Screens
E3: Top Spin Lobbed on to PlayStation 2
E3: Mage Knight Takes on the Apocalypse
E3: Max Payne Developers Go Next-Gen
E3: EA Hits the SSXy Slopes Again
E3: San Andreas PC: Hands-On Report
E3: Wario Twists Back on to GBA This Summer
E3: Bill Gates Eyes Sony's Top Spot
E3: Sakaguchi, Toriyama Team-Up on Xbox 360
E3: Mark Ecko Wants Freedom Through Graffiti
E3: Grandia III: First Ever Footage
E3: Shadow of the Colossus: Trailer 4
E3: Tomb Raider Legend: First Footage
E3: Three Trailers for Genji
E3: From Russia With Love: First Footage
E3: Scarface: News Update & Footage
E3: Black & White 2: All-New Footage
E3: 25 to Life: Pimpin' New Trailer
E3: Microsoft Learns From Past Mistakes
E3: EA Shows Off European Assault
E3: Street Brawling With the Tekken Team
E3: Codemasters Takes to the Unfriendly Skies
E3: Conker: Live & Reloaded: Hands-On
E3: Prince of Persia 3 Exposed
E3: Sink Your Teeth Into Sega's Darkwatch
E3: Xbox 360 Exposed: First Genuine Pictures
E3: Madden NextGen: First Ever Footage
E3: Watch the Xbox 360 MTV Trailer NOW!
E3: Pacino Leads All-Star Scarface Cast
E3: EA Teases with Next-Gen Madden Pics
E3: Onimusha Returns to PlayStation 2
E3: Playboy Brings Pulchritude to the PSP
E3: Sims 2 Brings Life to Consoles
E3: Genji Slices on to PlayStation 2
E3: Moore on the Xbox 360 Unveiling
Ubisoft Preps Ghost Recon 3, PoP3 for E3
E3: Analysts: 3m Xbox 360s by December
E3: Without Warning: New Screens
E3: Far Cry Hitting Consoles This Summer
E3: Jak and Daxter Part Ways for New Games
E3: Microsoft to Debut Xbox 360 on MTV in May
E3: Phantasy Star Universe: Coming West
E3: Xbox Safe as Microsoft Looks to Xbox 360
E3: Japanese Developers Rush to Xbox 360
E3: Id Readies Quake IV, Ponders Consoles
E3: Shadow the Hedgehog: Trailer 2
E3: Halo, Fable and More Set for Xenon
E3: Black & White 2 Puts You in the God Seat
E3: Burnout Takes Revenge on Traffic |
- E3 2005: Ultimate Video Coverage
- E3 2005: After the Show
- E3 2005: From the Showfloor
- E3 2005: Nintendo Press Event
- E3 2005: Xbox Press Event
- E3 2005: Sony Press Event
- E3 2005: Pre Show News Coverage
- E3 2005: Mini Preview
- E3 2004: Coverage Archive
- E3 2003: Coverage Archive